Get to know Laura Karvanen, our new testing engineer, who runs our laboratory and does the initial testing of our customer samples.
One of the major challenges faced by the metallurgical coal mining industry is the presence of very fine particles in the processed water that are difficult to treat with traditional methods. Our pilot demonstrates the applicability of our Sofi Filter for coal fines removal.
"As a Cleantech firm, Sofi filtration's patented technologies encourages the sustainable use of natural resources and decrease a company's negative environmental effects.," - 💭says Tommi
Sofi Filtration has received a renowned ELY (Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus) grant to strengthen the automation capabilities of Sofi's technology. This project aims to fully automate the water Filtration process using an intelligent network of the sensor.
The impact of water scarcity is rapidly increasing. Currently, only 20% of the wastewater is treated globally before discharging back into the water bodies. An old-school approach to wastewater management has caused an irreversible negative impact on our ecosystem. Firms are constantly struggling to keep up with environmental regulations and meeting stakeholder demands. As water demand and supply are becoming increasingly aggravated, it has become crucial for the firms to reconceptualize and see these challenges as a growth opportunity. As of now the common drivers for the companies to treat industrial wastewater is often tied to regulatory compliance. This article will highlight some of the key advantages of treating wastewater beyond regulatory compliance.
We are a Finnish technology company designing and supplying industry with our proprietary self-cleaning filtration systems. With over 2,000 filtration tests and hundreds of filters delivered around the world, you can rely on our expertise when it comes to separating fine particles. We know fines.