Mining & Metals — SOFI FILTRATION

Mining & Metals
Recovery of valuables and water

Our high-performance Sofi Filter® recovers additional valuable minerals from your process waters. And with no chemicals.

  • Treat thickener overflow before discharge to recover valuables and meet stringent environmental permitting limits

  • Process filtrates from conventional filters to ensure high-quality water for circulation

  • Treat process water at hot rolling mills to minimize contaminants

Our Sofi Filter® responds to your needs to separate low concentrations of very fine particles – all the way down to 0.5 micrometers.

“After testing the Sofi Filter® I am convinced of its capability to separate the unwanted suspended solids in our electrolysis process.”

– Customer Feedback

Zinc electrolysis, Finland

A Sofi Filter® was installed to separate unwanted particles of gypsum and calcium sulfate before feeding the liquid into zinc electrolysis.

  • Temperature: 30℃

  • Total process flow: 360 m3/h

  • Feed solid concentration: 600 mg/l

  • pH: 2

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