Meet Dr. Steve Gluck our global Research and Development and North American Operations Director. Steve has extensive experience in troubleshooting, process development, technology assessment, and product development. He has been working as an independent consultant for the last 6 years. Before that he worked in Dow Chemical where he led technical and due- diligence efforts for the development of filtration, membranes, and wastewater component projects and acquisition options. He holds a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Leipzig, Germany. Moreover, he is an active member of the Water Environment Federation. He is an inventor in more than 10 US and EU patents. We are proud and honored to have Steve on our team.
We recently sat down and talked to Steve Gluck to find out more about his motivation in joining Sofi Filtration.
Describe your current role at Sofi?
I am an independent consultant supporting application and product development serving as Sofi’s R&D director. Sofi’s next challenge is to establish case studies in different market verticals and as North American Operations Director, my role here is to facilitate trials, develop new business and support existing clients. As such, we have a complete laboratory for water characterization and testing along with a large space for equipment trials and development located in Angleton, TX which is about 40 minutes south of Houston.
You have been working in research for over 40 years with 22 of those years in water treatment industry and continue to be fully active. How is Sofi’s technology different in comparison to other available technologies in the market?
Steve: Water filtration is particularly challenging across different industries and there is not yet one kind of filter which is universal. Sofi offers features which are not found in any other product and thus can handle more difficult applications. Going forward, Sofi has paths to continue to address even more client applications, so the future of Sofi’s products looksbrighter than other filtration technologies. These features, the challenges of growing a company, and the opportunity to work with the great Sofi team drives my motivation to collaborate with Sofi.
How do you see the future of microfiltration technology in the next 10 Years”?
Steve: Microfiltration is growing as industrial water use stewardship grows. More sensitivity to resource sustainability is now a requirement for business stability. The most challenging step in any liquid-solid management process is nearly always the solids separation step which is where Sofi excels.
“Sofi is well-poised to provide solutions to efficient use of water and thus business stability.”
For more information about Sofi Filtration, please contact us.